Ormond Beach - (386) 672-1023     Titusville - (321) 265 - 4629       Fax - (386) 263-2996   |  1240 W Granada Blvd, 2nd Floor,  Ormond Beach, FL 32174   |  4420 S Hopkins Ave Titusville FL 32780

 Ormond Beach - (386) 672-1023  |  Titusville - (321) 265 - 4629  |    Fax - (386) 263-2996   |  1240 W Granada Blvd, 2nd Floor,  Ormond Beach, FL 32174   |  860 Century Medical Dr, Titusville, FL 32796

Exercise Stress Test

Exercise Stress Test 

in Daytona Beach, FL

Diagnose symptoms such as chest pain, palpitations, or fatigue by monitoring the electrical activity in your heart during exercise.

Cardiac testing can be nerve racking, but we are here to make it as straight forward as possible. No one plans on having heart problems, but if you do you need to find a doctor you can trust. At Complete Cardiology Care we staff Cardiologists and Electrophysiologists that perform texcercise stress test on patients in Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Palm Coast, Deltona, Deland, and the surrounding areas.

exercise stress test in daytona beach and titusville

Performed on a treadmill

exercise stress test in daytona beach and titusville

Trigger symptoms in a controlled setting

exercise stress test in daytona beach and titusville

Find out if you have blockages

exercise treadmill test

What is a exercise stress test?

A stress test, sometimes called a treadmill test or exercise test, helps a doctor find out how well your heart handles work. As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood. The test can show if the blood supply is reduced in the arteries that supply the heart. It also helps doctors know the kind and level of exercise appropriate for a patient.

A person taking the test:

  • is hooked up to equipment to monitor the heart.
  • walks slowly in place on a treadmill. Then the speed is increased for a faster pace and the treadmill is tilted to produce the effect of going up a small hill.
  • may be asked to breathe into a tube for a couple of minutes.
  • can stop the test at any time if needed.
  • afterwards will sit or lie down to have their heart and blood pressure checked.

  • Why do I need an exercise stress test?

    You may need this test to check your heart’s electrical activity. It can help find out whether a heart problem is causing chest pain and can help your doctor decide on the best treatment for certain heart problems. It also helps find the cause of symptoms that happen during exercise or activity, such as dizziness, fainting, or rapid, irregular heartbeats.

  • How long does an exercise stress test take?

    The test usually takes 15 to 30 minutes.

  • How can I prepare for an exercise stress test?

    • Do not smoke or eat a heavy meal before this test.
    • Wear flat, comfortable shoes (no bedroom slippers or sandals) and loose, lightweight shorts or sweatpants. Walking or running shoes are best.
    • Do not take Beta-Blocker medication day of test.

    Tell your doctor if:

    • You are taking any medicines.
    • You are taking medicine for an erection problem (such as Viagra). You may need to take nitroglycerin during this test, which can cause a serious reaction if you have taken a medicine for an erection problem within the past 48 hours.
    • You have had bleeding problems, or if you take aspirin or some other blood thinner.
    • You have joint problems in your hips or legs that may make it hard for you to exercise.
    • You have a heart valve problem.
  • What happens before a exercise stress test?

    • You may want to stretch your arm and leg muscles.
    • You may have to remove certain jewelry.
    • You will have a blood pressure cuff on your upper arm.
    • Small pads or patches (electrodes) will be attached to your skin on your chest. 
  • What happens during a exercise stress test?

    You walk on a treadmill. On the treadmill, you will start out slowly in a level or slightly inclined position. After certain periods of time, the speed and steepness of the treadmill will be increased so that you will be walking faster and at a greater incline.

    During the test:

    • Your EKG, heart rate, and blood pressure are recorded.
    • You might be asked to use numbers to say how hard you are exercising. The higher the number, the harder you think you are exercising.
    • The test will continue until:
    • You need to stop.
    • You have reached your maximum heart rate. Heart rate is how many times your heart beats in a minute. Maximum heart rate is the fastest your heart can beat when you are exercising as hard as you can. Maximum heart rate changes as you get older.
    • You have angina symptoms, such as chest pain or pressure.
    • You are very tired or very short of breath.
    • Your doctor feels you need to stop because of a change in your heartbeat or blood pressure.
  • What happens after a exercise stress test?

    You will be able to sit or lie down and rest.

    Your EKG and blood pressure will be checked for about 5 to 10 minutes.

  • What else should I know?

    No electricity passes through your body during the test. There is no danger of getting an electrical shock.

    During the test, tell your doctor if:

    • You have chest pain.
    • You are very short of breath.
    • You are lightheaded.
    • You have other symptoms.

Find out if that chest pain is heart related or something else

If you are curious about exercise stress testing in Daytona Beach, FL please reach out to us. We are currently accepting new patients. Complete Cardiology Care staffs Cardiologists and Electrophysiologist that serve patients in Ormond Beach, Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach, Port Orange, Deltona, Deland, and the surround areas.

Our Cardiologists and Electrophysiologist take nearly all insurances. We accept Aetna, AARP Medicare Complete, Blue Cross / Blue Shield, Cigna, Florida Healthcare, Florida Hospital Care Advantage, Freedom Health, Health First Health, Humana PPO - out of network benefits apply, Medicare, Optimum Healthcare, Railroad Medicare, Tricare, United Healthcare, VHN, Wellcare.

​We are also a partner with the VA and are proud to serve those who have served our country!

Self Pay Cardiology services are available too! Call and ask for our price list.

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